My Hall of Fame

LEGEND – Mark Smith

On Circuit Super Star – Tanguy Touzard, David Clark, Dian Taylor, John Savill, Matt Wolfe

Star – Andrew Ly, Antti Pajunen, Akshat Singh, Ben Hosking, Daryl LaBar, Elaiza Benitez,
Gus Gonzalez, Markus Erlandsson, Mary Thomson, Megan V Walker, Mo Faheem,
Reza Dorrani, Rory Neary, Stephan Smith, Ulrik B. Carlsson, William McLendon

Homosapien – 19

My “Hall of Fame”. This is where I recognise (my personal opinion only). I recognise that this is flawed.
However, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to these wonderful people. They have all spent time developing their knowledge and, most importantly, sharing it.

More than that: They have all assisted me personally.


Legend – Assisted me (and others), and their assistance has truly upgraded my work life. No greater compliment from me.

On Circuit Super Star – They have assisted me (and others) recently, and their assistance is reflected in my current tasks. They have gone above and beyond expectations.

Star – They have assisted me (and others) in the past.

Homosapien – People who are active bloggers, bloggers, etc., who have not responded. I can understand everybody is busy. So they most probably have higher priorities. I harbour no ill feelings, but I am interested enough to record numbers.